External Awards

Bronze Award, Environmentally Sustainable Company Category, the 5th ESG Finance Awards Japan

JFE Holdings received the Bronze Award in the 5th ESG Finance Awards Japan’s Environmentally Sustainable Companies Category, presented by the Japanese Ministry of Environment.

ESG Finance Awards Japan was founded to disseminate and expand ESG finance by commending and widely sharing the initiatives of institutional investors, financial institutions, intermediaries, and companies that have made an outstanding impact by proactively engaging in ESG finance as well as environmental and social projects. JFE Holdings received a special recognition at the second ESG Finance Awards Japan in FY2020 and was selected as an Environmentally Sustainable Company* at the third and fourth awards in FY2021 and FY2022. This is the first time the Company has received the Bronze Award while also being selected as an Environmentally Sustainable Company.

We believe the latest awards recognize JFE for its various initiatives and approach to dialogue, including its response to climate change. We will continue to deepen our initiatives and expand our information disclosure.

  • *The awards include the Environment Sustainable Category , which provides investors and companies with concrete examples of businesses that incorporate significant environmental opportunities and risks into their management strategies to enhance corporate value and develop positive environmental benefits while creating that value. Those selected under the category as Environmentally Sustainable Company meet specific standards for information disclosure.

Please see the following for further details.

World Steel Association 2024 Steel Sustainability Champions

JFE Steel was selected as the 2024 Steel Sustainability Champion by the World Steel Association.

Once a year, the association commends member companies for demonstrating leadership in developing a sustainable steel industry and society and achieving outstanding results in enhancing sustainability.

The JFE Group has been developing innovative technologies to mitigate environmental impact and published the JFE Group Environmental Vision for 2050. We inform stakeholders about our sustainability policies and achievements across a range of areas, including environment, human rights, health and safety, through publications such as the JFE Group Sustainability Report.

These endeavors were recognized with the award for the fourth consecutive year. Looking ahead, we plan to continue contributing to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by strengthening our sustainability management practices and working to help resolve environmental and other issues in society through business.

Please see the following for further details.

External Awards for Research and Development

Awards for Technologies and Product Developments (FY2023)

Prize/Award Project Sponsor
JFE Steel Safety and Health Excellence Recognition 2023 Horizontal development to prevent similar accidents World Steel Association
FY2023 Minister of the Environment Award for Climate Change Action (Product Development and Commercialization Category (Mitigation)) Development of ultra-high pressure hydrogen storage compressor based on combined resin layers reinforced by steel and carbon fiber Ministry of the Environment
FY2024 National Commendation for Invention, Invention Award Invention of highly weather-resistant steel that can be used near coastal areas without coating Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation
Nikkei Superior Products and Services Awards 2023, Grand Prize Anti-fatigue-damage steel (AFD steel) Nikkei Inc.
70th (FY2023) Okochi Memorial Technology Prize Automation of blast furnace operation based on a cyber physical system Okochi Memorial Foundation
32nd Grand Prize for the Global Environment Award Project team for creating a seaweed bed and ecosystem using recycled materials at areas around Shinto, Iwakuni City (Koujiro Fisheries Cooperative, National Institute of Technology, Ube College, and JFE Steel) Fujisankei Communications Group (Secretariat: The Sankei Shimbun)
JFE Engineering 25th JICE Technology Development Award Simple reinforcement technology for pile-style piers Japan Institute of Country-ology and Engineering Coastal Development Institute of Technology
J Bio Food Recycle Co., Ltd.
(JFE Engineering Group company)
6th EcoPro Awards, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award Food recycling system with a double-recycling loop, creating a regional circular and ecological sphere with electricity and fertilizer Sustainable Management Promotion Organization
Myoko Green Energy Co., Ltd.
(JFE Engineering Group company)
1st PPP/PFI Project Excellence Award, Award of Excellence Transfer of Myoko City’s gas business and comprehensive private consignment of water and sewage services Cabinet Office
Minister of the Environment Award for Climate Change Action
National Invention Award
Nikkei Superior Products and Services Awards
Okochi Memorial Technology Prize
Grand Prize for the Global Environment Award
25th JICE Technology Development Award
6th EcoPro Awards, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award
1st PPP/PFI Project Excellence Award, Award of Excellence