Disclosure Policy
(Translation for reference only)

1.Basic Princple

To help shareholders, investors and all other stakeholders gain the best-possible understanding of JFE Holdings, we disclose important corporate information accurately, fairly and in a timely and appropriate manner. Our disclosure policy accords with all applicable laws and regulations in Japan, including the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuers of Listed Securities (“Timely Disclosure Rules”) established by the Tokyo Stock Exchange.

How We Disclose Information

We disclose information applicable to the Timely Disclosure Rules via the Timely Disclosure Network (“TDnet”) provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Information that we disclose on TDnet is also readily available on our website. For information that is not applicable to the Timely Disclosure Rules, we also adhere to the policy of making timely disclosures and take care to ensure that such information is communicated to investors in an appropriate manner and as accurately and fairly as possible.

Quiet Period

We designate a fixed period before any financial results announcement as a “quiet period” to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of financial information and to ensure fairness. The quiet period is generally from the day following the close of each financial quarter to the day of the announcement. During this period, we do not comment on or respond to inquiries about our financial results. However, we disclose information on TDnet as appropriate in the event of any significant deviation from our publicly announced business forecasts during a quiet period.


Business forecasts and plans published on our website represent future projections made at our discretion unless such forecasts or plans are based on historical facts. These forecasts and plans reflect decisions and assumptions based on information available to us at the time of publication. Please note that publicly announced business results may deviate from forecasts due to the impact of uncertain factors that may occur, including changes in economic conditions, laws or other factors.

Investment Decisions

The information provided on this website is not intended to solicit investors. Exclusive reliance on the information provided on this website to make investment decisions is not advised. Any investment decision made by the reader is entirely at their own risk.

2.Disclosures subject to this policy

Statutory disclosures

  1. (1)Disclosures in accordance with the Companies Act
    ・・・ Notice of General Meeting of Shareholders, business reports, financial statements, consolidated financial statements, etc.
  2. (2)Disclosures in accordance with the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act
    ・・・ Annual Securities Report, Semiannual Securities Report, Extraordinary Reports, etc.

Disclosures required by the Tokyo Stock Exchange

  1. (1)Timely disclosures
    ・・・ Disclosures of information about corporate decisions or events for which the Tokyo Stock Exchange requires timely disclosure.
  2. (2)Corporate Governance Report

Other disclosures

  1. (1)Presentation materials/videos
  2. (2)Integrated report (JFE Group Report)
  3. (3)Sustainability Report
  4. (4)Other Reports
  5. (5)Publishing shareholder newsletters
  6. (6)Investor Relations (IR website)
  7. (7)Everyday communications with analysts and institutional investors, etc.

3.Outline of timely disclosure system

In order to maintain the credibility of the Group in the securities markets, the Company, Operating Companies and Group companies formulate internal regulations concerning material facts, and, by establishing departments managing information and judging and implementing timely disclosure of information, disclosure significant corporate information in a timely and appropriate manner in addition to statutory disclosure such as annual securities reports and extraordinary reports based on the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.
With regard to timely disclosure of corporate information, the information is disclosed by registering with TDnet, in accordance with the "Rules on Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information by Issuers of Listed Securities" set out by the Tokyo Stock Exchange (the "Timely Disclosure Rules").


[Flow of timely disclosure of corporate information]

  1. 1) "Information on decisions made" and "Information on financial results" that fall under the "Timely Disclosure Rules"
    "Department controlling material facts" which administers relevant events communicates and coordinates with "department aggregating information on material facts" (department in charge of general administration), "department confirming material facts" (department in charge of legal affairs) and "department controlling announcement" (department in charge of public relations) on the form and contents, etc. of the timely disclosure. In the event that the Company makes decisions on the events, the "department controlling announcement" promptly conducts the timely disclosure via TDnet.
  2. 2) "Information on events occurred" that falls under the "Timely Disclosure Rules"
    In the event that relevant events occur, "department controlling material facts" which administers relevant events communicates and coordinates with "department aggregating information on material facts" (department in charge of general administration), "department confirming material facts" (department in charge of legal affairs) and "department of controlling announcement" (department in charge of public relations) on the form and contents, etc. of the timely disclosure, and the "department controlling announcement" conducts the timely disclosure via TDnet appropriately.

【Timely Disclosure System】

【Timely Disclosure System】

4.Shareholder and Investor Engagement

Please refer to Shareholder and Invester Engagement.