The JFE Group Report 2024 is an integrated report designed to help JFE shareholders, investors and other stakeholders understand the medium- to long-term value propositions of the company and its diverse group.

This report for the final year of our 7th Mid-term Management Plan provides key information on our value-creation strategy, which is centered on the steady implementation of our medium-term plan. Starting with the CEO's message, we explain the progress we have made in each of our main businesses, focusing on the themes of shifting from quantity to quality, solution businesses, and measures for achieving carbon neutrality.

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Title Pages Size
Contents / Editorial Policy 1 1.38MB
Message from the CEO
Message from the CEO 3~ 738KB
Message from the CEO 3
Sources of Value Creation
Sources of Value Creation 10~ 3.16MB
The Value of Steel 11
Corporate Vision / Corporate Values / Standards of Conduct / Our Vision 13
Contributing to society with our technological capabilities 15
Business Model (Steel Business and Trading Business) 17
Business Model (Engineering Business) 19
Process of Value Creation 21
Toward a Sustainable Future 23
Strategy to Create Value
Strategy to Create Value 24~ 3.16MB
Market Trends and Business Risks and Opportunities 25
Material Issues of Corporate Management 27
Material Issues of Corporate Management and KPIs 29
Seventh Medium-term Business Plan(Fiscal 2021–2024) 33
Strategy 1 Financial Strategy: Message from the CFO 34
Strategy 2 Shift focus from Quantity to Quality 37
Strategy 3 Strengthening Momentum in the Solution Business 39
Strategy 4 Intellectual Property Activities 41
Strategy 5 Promotion of DX Strategy 43
Strategy 6 Promotion of the JFE Group Environmental Vision for 2050 to Achieve Carbon Neutrality 45
Advancing the commercialization of the offshore wind power business 50
Business Strategies 53
Steel Business 53
Engineering Business 56
Trading Business 59
Shipbuilding Business 61
Annual Highlights 62
Human Resources 63
Ensuring Occupational Safety and Health 63
Securing and Training Diverse Talent 65
Social and Relationship Capital 67
Management Foundation
Management Foundation 68~ 974KB
Management Organization 69
Dialogue with Outside Executives 71
Corporate Governance 77
Thorough Compliance 84
Risk Management 85
Respect for Human Rights 87
Data 89~ 1.35MB
Main Domestic Bases 89
Main Overseas Bases 91
Material Flow 93
Non-financial Highlights 95
Financial Highlights 97
Financial Performance 99
Operating and Main Group Companies 103
Company Profile / Share Information 105


The JFE Group Report 2023 is an integrated report issued for the purpose of helping JFE shareholders, investors and other stakeholders understand the medium- to long-term value propositions of the company and its diverse group.

This year marks the third year of the company's 7th Medium-term Business Plan, an important year in which JFE is implementing growth strategies and completing its structural reforms. Details about these and other key initiatives are provided in the CEO's message, sections on each operating company, feature articles and other information in this report.

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Title Pages Size
Contents / Editorial Policy 1 791KB
Value Creation Framework
Value Creation Framework 3~ 2.22MB
Corporate Vision / Corporate Values / Standards of Conduct 5
The Value of Steel 7
History 9
JFE's Technological Capabilities 11
Process of Value Creation 13
Strategy to Create Value
Strategy to Create Value 15~ 3.08MB
Message from the CEO 17
Market Trends and Business Risks and Opportunities 23
Material Issues of Corporate Management 25
Material Issues of Corporate Management and KPIs 27
Progress on the Seventh Medium-term Business Plan (Fiscal 2021–2024) 31
Message from the CFO 33
Special Feature 1: Electrical Steel Strategy
Strengthen Production of Electrical Steel
Special Feature 2: Land Utilization in the Keihin Region
Large-Scale Land Conversion to Pave the Way for the Next 100 Years
Initiatives to Create Value
Initiatives to Create Value 41~ 2.77MB
Business Model (Steel Business and Trading Business) 42
Business Model (Engineering Business) 45
Business Strategies 47
Steel Business 47
Engineering Business 50
Trading Business 53
Shipbuilding Business 55
Annual Highlights 56
Helping to Resolve Issues Related to Climate Change 57
Intellectual Property Activities 63
Promotion of DX 64
Securing and Training Diverse Talent 65
Management Foundation that Supports Growth
Management Foundation that Supports Growth 67~ 1.73MB
Management Organization 69
Dialogue with Outside Executives 71
Corporate Governance 77
Thorough Compliance 84
Risk Management 85
Ensuring Occupational Safety and Health 87
Respect for Human Rights 89
Stakeholder Relationships 92
Data 93~ 1.33MB
Main Domestic Bases 93
Main Overseas Bases 95
Material Flow 97
Non-financial Highlights 99
Financial Highlights 101
Financial Performance 103
Operating and Main Group Companies 107
Company Profile / Share Information 109


The JFE Group Report 2022 is an integrated report issued for the purpose of helping all JFE shareholders, investors and other stakeholders understand the medium- to long-term value propositions of the company and its diverse group.

This year marks the 20th anniversary of the company's founding and the second year of its Seventh Medium-term Business Plan. It also is an important year in which JFE is actively pursuing growth strategies and striving resolutely toward carbon neutrality by 2050. For more about these and other key initiatives, we hope you will enjoy reading the CEO's message, sections on each operating company, feature articles and other information in this report.

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Title Pages Size
Contents / Editorial Policy 7 751KB
Message from the CEO 9 535KB
JFE Group's Value Creation
JFE Group's Value Creation 15~ 2.10MB
The Value of Steel 17
Market Trends and Business Risks and Opportunities 19
Material Issues of Corporate Management 21
Material Issues of Corporate Management and KPIs 23
Process of Value Creation 27
Business Model (Steel Business and Trading Business) 29
Business Model (Engineering Business) 31
Strategy to Create Value
Strategy to Create Value 33~ 5.92MB
Message from the CFO 35
Progress on Seventh Medium-term Business Plan (Fiscal 2021–2024) 37
DX Strategy 39
Business Strategies 41
Steel Business 41
Engineering Business 44
Trading Business 47
Shipbuilding Business 49
Annual Highlights 50
Special Feature: The JFE Group's Challenge (1)
Advancing the Commercialization of the Wind Power Generation Business
Offering a Full Lineup Supply Structure
Special Feature: The JFE Group's Challenge (2)
Contributions to Resolving Climate Change
-Aiming for carbon neutrality by 2050
Human Capital 61
Securing and Training Diverse Human Resources 61
Ensuring Occupational Safety and Health 63
Management Foundation
Management Foundation 65~ 2.04MB
Management Organization 67
Dialogue with Outside Executives 69
Corporate Governance 75
Thorough Compliance 82
Risk Management 83
Respect for Human Rights 85
Stakeholder Relationships 87
Data 89~ 1.34MB
Main Domestic Bases 89
Main Overseas Bases 91
Material Flow 93
Non-financial Highlights 95
Financial Highlights 97
Financial Performance 99
Operating and Main Group Companies 103
Company Profile / Share Information 105


The JFE GROUP REPORT 2021 (Integrated Report) has been created and published with the aim of having all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, understand the medium- to long-term value creation narratives within JFE Group.

Fiscal 2021, the first year of the Seventh Medium-term Business Plan, is a pivotal year for JFE Holdings, marking the formulation of the JFE Group's Environmental Vision 2050 that aims for carbon neutrality by 2050 and stronger efforts to address climate change. In this report, we introduce our management strategies centered on the CEO's message, the business strategies of each operating company, and feature articles.

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Title Pages Size
Contents 3 220KB
JFE Group's Value Creation Story
JFE Group's Value Creation Story 5~ 1.62MB
The Value of Steel 7
History of Value Creation 9
Outline of the JFE Group 11
Process of Value Creation 13
Material Issues of JFE Group Corporate Management 15
Strategy to Create Value
Strategy to Create Value 17~ 2.14MB
Message from the CEO 19
Seventh Medium-term Business Plan (FY2021–2024) 25
Message from the CFO 27
Special Feature JFE Group Environmental Vision for 2050 29
Business Strategies Business Model (Steel Business and Trading Business) 35
Business Model (Engineering Business) 37
Business Overview: Steel Business 39
Business Overview: Engineering Business 43
Business Overview: Trading Business 47
Business Overview: Shipbuilding Business 50
Dialogue with Outside Executives 51
Key Issues for Management of the JFE Group (Materiality)
Fiscal 2021 Key Issues for Management and KPIs 57
Fiscal 2020 KPI Outcomes and
Evaluations for Priority CSR Issues
Sustainability management
Sustainability management 63~ 676KB
Our Contributions to Resolving Climate Change 65
Material Flow 69
Ensuring Occupational Safety and Health 71
Securing and Training Diverse Human Resources 73
Respect for Human Rights 75
Thorough Compliance 77
Corporate Governance 78
Risk Management 85
Stakeholder Relationships 87
Management Organization 89
Financial and Corporate Information
Financial and Corporate Information 91~ 1.12MB
Financial Highlights 91
Non-financial Highlights 93
Company Profile / Share Information 95
Annual Highlights 96
Operating and Main Group Companies 97
Financial Information 99
Independent Auditor's Report 156


The JFE GROUP REPORT 2020 (Integrated Report) has been created and published with the aim of having all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, understand the medium- to long-term value creation narratives within JFE Group.

While providing a consolidated overview of the medium- to long-term growth strategy together with financial information (such as results and management strategies) and non-financial information such as Environment, Society, and Governance (ESG), we have included special feature articles focused on specific strategic themes, clearly presenting the company's unique initiatives.Through this report, we hope to foster a better understanding of JFE Group's approach toward sustainable enhancement of corporate value.

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Title Pages Size
Contents・Editorial Policy 1 336KB
Value Creation
Value Creation 9 4.5MB
Strategies to Realize Value Creation
Management Strategies 5 487KB
Financial Strategies 2 97KB
Business Strategies 5 724KB
Business Strategies Feature 4 811KB
ESG Feature 6 828KB
Outside Executives Group Interview 3 267KB
Management for Value Creation
ESG Activities 12 619KB
Corporate Data
Corporate Profile / Share Information 3 137KB
Financial Information
Financial Information 30 1.0MB


The JFE GROUP REPORT 2019 (Integrated Report) has been created and published with the aim of having all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, understand the medium- to long-term value creation narratives within JFE Group.

While providing a consolidated overview of the medium- to long-term growth strategy together with financial information (such as results and management strategies) and non-financial information such as ESG (Environment, Society, and Governance), from this year's report, we have included special feature articles focused on specific strategic themes, clearly presenting the company's unique initiatives. Through this report, we hope to foster a better understanding of JFE Group's approach toward sustainable enhancement of corporate value.

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Title Pages Size
Contents・Editorial Policy 1 269KB
Value Creation
Value Creation 9 3.2MB
Strategies to Realize Value Creation
Management Strategies 4 302KB
Financial Strategies 2 92KB
Business Strategies 8 2.0MB
Management for Value Creation
ESG Management 20 1.6MB
Corporate Data
Corporate Profile / Share Information 3 135KB
Financial Information
Financial Information 34 706KB


JFE Group has published JFE GROUP REPORT this year for the first time to replace JFE Group TODAY, which had been released annually until last year. This new, integrated report is created and published with the aim of having all stakeholders, including shareholders and investors, understand the medium- to long-term value creation narrative within JFE Group.

JFE GROUP REPORT provides information on JFE Group's value creation process by including a consolidated overview of medium- to long-term growth strategy together with financial information (such as results and management strategies), non-financial information (such as ESG) and the Group's policy, which is “ creating new value through technologies and providing solutions for social and environmental issues with the aim of improving sustainable corporate value.”

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Title Pages Size
Contents・Editorial Policy 1 172KB
Value Creation
Value Creation 9 3.4MB
Strategies to Realize Value Creation
Management Strategies 9 766KB
Business Strategies 9 2.6MB
Foundations for Value Creation
Environment, Society and Governance (ESG) within JFE Group 14 1.3MB
Corporate Data
Corporate Profile / Share Information 2 238KB
Financial Information
Financial Information 15 622KB


The JFE Group is delighted to present its all-new annual review, JFE GROUP TODAY 2017, an informative look at the Group's past fiscal year in a reader-friendly format supported with abundant photos and graphics. We hope you enjoy the beautiful photo-essays, in-depth interview of the CEO, comprehensive overview of Group activities, and much more.

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The JFE Group is delighted to present its all-new annual review, JFE Group TODAY 2016, an informative look at the Group's past fiscal year in a reader-friendly format supported with abundant photos and graphics. We hope you enjoy the beautiful photo-essays, in-depth interview of the CEO, comprehensive overview of Group activities, and much more.

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The JFE Group is delighted to present its all-new annual review, JFE Group TODAY 2015, an informative look at the Group's past fiscal year in a reader-friendly format supported with abundant photos and graphics. We hope you enjoy the beautiful photo-essays, in-depth interview of the CEO, comprehensive overview of Group activities, and much more.

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