Over the years, JFE has developed a diverse range of businesses focused on steel, engineering and trading. The vast amount of operational data and know-how that the company continues to accumulate in these businesses is a key source of the value that JFE delivers to global society through its world-class products and technologies. This report presents the key results and lessons learned from representative case studies based on the digital transformation (DX) strategies of each JFE company. It is hoped that readers will find this report both informative and helpful in deepening their understanding of JFE’s DX strategies. |
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Title | Pages | Size |
DX REPORT 2023(A3) | 18 | 3.94MB |
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Title | Pages | Size |
COVER | 1 | 252KB |
CONTENTS・On the Publication of the DX REPORT 2023 | 1 | 1.06MB |
JFE Group’s Initiatives to Resolve Social Issues
JFE Group’s Initiatives to Resolve Social Issues | 2 | 292KB |
DX initiatives
Steel Business | 2 | 525KB |
Engineering Business | 2 | 743KB |
Trading Business | 1 | 567KB |
Security Management
Security Management | 1 | 755KB |